Amal Counsel is a service that reaches out to comfort society through difficult times; by counselling.
We provide accessible and affordable counselling services online and in-person where possible.
Our target population are the residents of the UAE; we may provide service to international clients subject to counsellor availability.
Our counsellors offer a range of psychological therapies for an array of issues and their diverse backgrounds will facilitate in catering to your individual needs based on their specialization.
Our Counselling Services
Stress and anxiety
Children's mental health
Mental disorders
Relationship Counselling
Psychotherapy for Cancer
Career coaching
Right from the emergence of the COVID-19 virus to the ongoing race to vaccinate, uncertainty surrounds our lives. It is natural for us to feel uncomfortable about the continuous changes.
There is an increase in mental health issues, among the general population, because of the prolonged isolation, increased unemployability, economic losses, and witnessing loved ones suffer or even pass away.
Grief, PTSD, and Anxiety are amongst the most common psychological and emotional problems faced globally at the present times. Below you will find more information about them to help you.
Are you experiencing grief?
Grief is a natural response to a loss. It is an emotional experience felt when someone or something valuable to us is taken away. Individuals experiencing grief might encounter an overwhelming amount of emotions – from shock to disbelief, guilt, and intense distress.
Though one may associate grief with losing a loved one, grief can be in any form of loss. You might experience grief from losing a job, from a relationship breakup, loss of friendship, or loss of health.
However, if you are experiencing complicated grief, that is, the pain of the loss is very constant and intense that it holds you back from resuming your daily activities, it would benefit you to take some professional help. Untreated complicated grief might cause emotional damage or clinical depression. Our counsellors and psychologists at Amal Counsel can help you discover healthy ways of dealing with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and support you through the journey.
Are you experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that could be triggered by a terrifying or distressing event. Individuals experiencing PTSD show symptoms of flashbacks and nightmares of the terrifying event, they might also experience severe anxiety and uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
Although many people have the above symptoms similar to PTSD as a reaction to the event for some days after their terrifying experience, most people might also develop a long-term experience of the symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Getting immediate help after a traumatic event is crucial to prevent normal stress-like symptoms from developing long-term PTSD.
We at Amal Counsel will support your healing by helping you improve your symptoms, teaching you the skills to deal with them, and restore your self-esteem.
Are you experiencing anxiety?
Anxiety can be seen as a normal response to stressful situations. However, if you’re experiencing regularly elevated levels of anxiety along with symptoms of nervousness, apprehension, worry, and elevated blood pressure, it might benefit your wellbeing to take up professional help.
These elevated feelings of anxiety can interfere with everyday activities and can make them difficult to be carried out. It might keep you from visiting certain places or situations in order for you to feel safe from being judged or embarrassed. You might experience irrational fear of a situation or a place that has little or no threat.
Our counsellors and psychologists might administer various treatment plans depending on your needs and wants and their therapeutic expertise on various treatment methods such as psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and or exposure therapy.